Food From Heaven

December 25, 2018 Bar, Events & Parties, Hostel
Christmas at Waga


It’s that time of a year when families & friends gather together for a good laugh and some great food!

WaGaLiGong’s Pot Luck Christmas Party took place on Sunday evening, the 23rd of December. Remember last year’s event – delicious roast chicken and pot luck? That event was such a success we decided to do it again; a pot luck Christmas dinner for family, friends and of course our hostel guests. Thanks for everyone that showed up, especially those who brought along a special dish to be shared with everyone. Also a very special thanks to Yong-yi who made sure the 7 roast chickens were roasted to perfection in the traditional Taiwanese chicken chimneys. Heaven is missing 7 chickens..

哇軋力共在12月23日的聖誕派對大成功。 記得去年的烤雞派對嗎?我們的桶仔雞大受好評,決定今年也比照辦理! 這個每人帶一道菜聖誕烤雞派對主要是為了朋友及家人們還有當然為了店裡的旅客們(一解無法與家人們相聚的鄉愁)。 感謝所有來與我們共渡聖誕佳節的朋友們,謝謝你們帶來的美味佳餚及對我們桶仔雞的捧場,特別感謝在桶仔雞爐前製作七隻美味烤雞的詠億。天堂又少了七隻雞..