Maudie Brown: Naturally Creative
Maudie Brown is a South African painter known for her powerful and bold portraits. She is currently based in Taipei. She works in both oils and acrylics, often with vivid colors and strong, spontaneous brushstrokes. Her portraits are known to convey character and strong emotions. Influenced by the Kalahari Desert where she grew up, her work often explores the theme of indigenous cultures and the people of Africa. To her art is a way to portray the raw beauty of the world she lives in. “I’m interested in creating realistic space, yet adding flat fields of color to breakdown how the viewer sees that space. It is a balance of control and freedom, discipline and play. I’m influenced by the colors and culture of Africa. Everything there is so vivid and colorful. I try to express that explosiveness in my paintings.”
Maudie Brown 是一位知名畫家,擅長肖像畫,畫風大膽而且充滿張力。繪畫素材以油彩和壓克力顏料為主,用色鮮明強烈,筆觸隨興所至。她的肖像畫作品清楚傳達畫中人物的個性和情感。受到居住環境克拉哈利沙漠的影響,她的畫作時常以探索非洲住民的文化為主題。藝術對她來說,是一種描述非洲大地原始之美的方式。「我想要在作品當中創造一個真實空間,並且在這個空間加上層層交疊的色彩,來挑戰觀畫人對空間的視覺感官。這是一種控制與自由、放縱與紀律之間的平衡。」 「我深受非洲文化和色彩的影響。非洲每一種事物的色彩都是鮮明艷麗,我想要把這種衝擊的體驗表達在我的畫作當中。」